Ski Jump - Square Sticker
“Ski Jump 1st Run” is now a sticker! This is what I wish I were doing right now. I live in Connecticut and it is December 16th, 2021. We have had a flurry, but I want a giant snowstorm. And I want a blue jay day of skiing! The fresh powder, the sound of snow falling from the trees, and carving lines. I’m so stoked for this ski season! I had to print this in blue and then make a sticker. If you are a snow-lover, you probably know why, but if not, there is this certain light snow takes on where you can almost see every shade and tint and hue of blue in it. The shadows are deep and the sun is bright. It’s something no one could ever paint or photograph. It’s such a feeling!
Happy skiing, witches! Get out there and adventure!
Vinyl, 3x3”
Durable, weatherproof, and dishwasher-safe.
Ships via USPS first class mail from my magic- and houseplant-filled home studio in West Hartford, Connecticut.